
How to Apply

Applications are open between February 5 and April 19, 2024

HomeHow to Apply

How to Apply to the Course

A maximum 2 A4-page CV (Font: Colibri 11-12_PDF.Doc) and a1 A4-page Motivation Letter (Font: Colibri 11-12_PDF.Doc) will be required, summarizing your work experience and expressing how this course fits your career prospects. 

How to Apply to the Available Scholarships

In order to apply to one of the available scholarships, simply declare so in your motivation letter.

Awarding process:

First, the 2 (two) best-ranked applications from ITQB NOVA in the ranking list will be awarded with ITQB NOVA Scholarships.
Second, the remaining 15 (fifteen) best-ranked applications in the ranking list will be awarded with Oeiras Valley Scholarships.

Note: only applications declaring they are applying for an available scholarship will be considered for the awards.

Selection Criteria

The merit of the applications, independently if they are applying to a scholarship, will produce one single ranking list. The merit weight and selection criteria will be as follows:

40% CV: Candidates with a minimum (Pre-Bologna) University degree or a (Post-Bologna) MSc will be preferred. At least 1 year of laboratory work, developing a project independently, will be positively evaluated.

60% Motivation Letter: Written expression of interest for attending the course and justifying how present or future R&D interest can have translation potential and social impact. Although presenting a specific idea to be developed in the course is not mandatory; it will be positively considered during the application evaluation – especially if you are applying to one of the available attendance scholarships. 

If necessary, a personal interview may be scheduled as part of the selection procedure.

The course accepts a maximum of 24 participants to work in teams, developing between 7 to 9 business model ideas proposed by successful candidates. These ideas will be selected based on their supporting proof-of-concept (Ideally >TRL3) and perceived impact.

Disclosure: the StartUp Research candidate selection adheres to code of conduct for recruitment, namely to the general principles that ensure observance of values such as transparency of the recruitment process and equal treatment of all applicants, in particular with regard to the development of an attractive, open and sustainable European labor market for researchers.


Application fee – due upon application: €51 (non-refundable)

Registration fee – due upon acceptance and before course starts: €26

Certificate/Diploma fee – due one week prior to the final pitch and graduation session: €54

Tuition fees (upfront payment – due when course starts):

I. €1500 for students enrolled in MSc and/or PhD programs hosted by ITQB NOVA, NIMSB, NMS, and/or other NOVA schools and affiliated institutions, including those co-inhabiting the Oeiras Valley Innovation Ecosystem (iBET, INIAV, Católica Biomedical Research Center – CBR, Champalimaud Foundation, and Tagus Park); and those belonging to the Associate Laboratories LS4FUTURE and CIISA/AL4AnimalS (fulfilling One Health Initiative goals); as well as to the iNOVA4Health ProgramCoLife; the Co-Lab AccelBio and the DxHub Excellence Hub.

II. €1800 for Junior Researchers & remaining staff from ITQB NOVA, NIMSB, NMS, and/or other NOVA schools and affiliated institutions, including those co-inhabiting the Oeiras Valley Innovation Ecosystem (iBET, INIAV, Católica Biomedical Research Center – CBR, Champalimaud Foundation, and Tagus Park); and those belonging to the Associate Laboratories LS4FUTURE and CIISA/AL4AnimalS(fulfilling One Health Initiative goals); as well as to the iNOVA4Health ProgramCoLife; the Co-Lab AccelBio and the DxHub Excellence Hub.

III. €2200 for students & staff from other academic institutions (20% discount if more than 1 participant from the same institution);

IV. €2800 for applicants from non-academic institutions involved in active research (20% discount if there is more than 1 participant from the same institution).

You can always informally come back

A one-time participation in the StartUp Research program grants the right to informally join us in any forthcoming edition with no extra costs, either to attend new features, or repeat sections that one might think are useful to improve their skills or to bring their projects to the next translation level.

Applications will be made through the formal Application Portal